Sunday, July 10, 2011


Okay, so I do have one other blog going, but it's for Prussia - who I cosplay in my group - and I've discovered I don't like writing as him nearly as much as I thought I would. It was supposed to be weekly, but I only ended up posting once, and I found it to be extremely boring. I told my dad how I was having trouble with it, but that I still wanted to write a blog. He suggested that I do one for my writing, so here I am.

I'll start by saying that I write constantly. I mean it. I got some manilla folders for all my reference pictures (all of which are Hetalia, of course), and I had one left over, so I decided to pull all the writing in my backpack in it. Big mistake. It looks more like a medium-sized novel now than a folder. I'm hoping it won't suddenly spill all over the place one day when I pull it out. I can't count the number of times that's happened to me with smaller folders.

Back to the actual writing, I mostly write fanfiction - I usually stick to either The Mortal Instruments (Magnus and Alec) or Hetalia (I couldn't pick one pairing for that to save my life)- but I also have two OC's I like to try writing for occasionally. There's Todd, who I like to picture as the boy in the back of the classroom spacing out and thinking of what video game he should play when he gets home; and Dante, who is probably somewhere between Todd and the boy who sits right in front and writes down every single thing the teacher says. Since Todd is closer to my personality, I tend to lean towards him when I write, but I'm trying to fix that and focus on Dante a little bit more.

I'm a little hyper most of the time, and there's no way I'm not at least a little crazy (all great writers are, right?), so I do have a voice or forty living in my head. They're not like, "The voices are telling me to kill you." kind of voices, just different ideas I have for characters. So that being said, I of course can hear Todd and Dante (Not that anyone really wants to hear that late at night... *shudders*). They frequently bet against me on things, meaning that yes, I do essentially have to pay myself money that I made against myself. I know it's pathetic. I do have real friends, I promise (you know, one of those voices in my head (no idea who the hell it is, of course) is telling me that as soon as someone reads this, they're gonna be all "Stop talking about your damn OC's and your problems! I don't care!" Well, if that happens (you know, if they. post a comment actually saying that) I will tell them they can just go fuck themselves, since I didn't make them read this. *smiles sweetly* m'kay?).

Sometimes when I'm bored or when I get writer's block - it used to happen a lot more often - I look up templates for character development and fill them out. Here's what one of the one's I've done for Todd looks like:
Name: Todd Ferrian
Nickname: None.
Kind of being: Damned (Human)
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: Sun-soaked blonde hair, twinkling sky blue eyes, tan skin. Overall, a very generically done set of looks. (Why the hell am I so unoriginal?) Height: 5'9"
Family Members:
Best Friend:

Way of Speaking: shows a lot of emotion
Physical Characteristics:
Items in his/her pocket, backpack, or purse: a pack of gum; a lighter; his phone; his wallet; black mascara; clear, strawberry flavored lip gloss
Favorite Sports:
Talents, Abilities, or Powers:
Relationships (how s/he is with other people):

Fears: Being left behind/alone
Faults: Gullible in some ways, usually has a good grasp on sarcasm but it slips sometimes
Good Points:
What s/he wants more than anything else: To be loved
Song: After Midnight (It'll Burn) by Travie McCoy

I bold what I still need to figure out, and I usually leave everything else pretty open ended so I can add stuff in later. No, Todd doesn't smoke. No, I don't know why he has a lighter, but when I asked him what was in his pockets he emptied them out on the table and it was there. I took it away, of course. There is no way I was letting him play with fire. *looks around suspiciously and takes out the lighter, giggling with glee when it sparks to life* oh! You're still here! *quickly puts away the lighter, whistling innocently*

Anyhoo, I should probably post this, since I made this blog QUITE a while ago and never posted the first one...

1 comment:

  1. Hi :)
    I know you stopped writing in this blog, but I don't care. I want you to know that you gave me a really good idea for my OC characters (there are a lot of them v.v')and how to maintain their personality ... I think that's really difficult >.<
    Anyway, thank you for posting this, and go on writing fanfiction ;)
    Sorry for the bad Grammar, but I'm Italian ^^;
    Bye ~
